
A fundamental function for our Union is representation. Unlike other Italian realities, Prato has no other category association for industries, which makes the Union the only interlocutor for any body – whether public or private – who needs or means to relate to a collective industrial representation reality.

The Union’s representation role is of prime importance in the economic context of the Prato district, which generally has small-sized companies. In fact, if an associative system is important for all companies, independent of size, its function is especially important when related to companies that are small considered singly with limited negotiating powers with different institutions – local and national, bodies of various kinds – with which they need to interact.


Representing Prato industry means that:

  • The Union takes part and expresses its position, through  delegates, in institutional contexts where the presence of economic categories – thus including industry – is coded and required by law 
  • The Union takes part in Commissions or Workgroups, formal or informal, set up by local public authorities and by the local branches of national organisations
  • The Union is credited as a party expressing the industrial world collectively in all cases (setting up mixed public-private companies or private ones together with other category associations or different players,…) in which it intends or is called to play an active role
  • The Union has the right and can express its position on behalf of its Prato industry members in all seats where it is useful or opportune to do so
  • The Union has the right, as a member of Confindustria -Italian Manufacturer’s Association-, to make itself heard at regional, national and international level. Through Confindustria Tuscany with the Tuscan Region and other regional players, through national category associations and Confindustria itself in Italy and Europe, the Union can – and does so continuously – make claims, present problems, suggest solutions.